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About the LOGO of CHOICE-C (陈伟设计,designed by Wei Chen)
l        973计划项目中国近海碳收支、调控机理及生态效应研究英文简称是:CHOICE-C
l        LOGO为主要设计元素,以一组碳的化学结构六边形有序组合成“C”形,直观体现了该项目的主要研究对象及项目团队严谨的科学研究精神。
l        LOGO整体形似一把钥匙,意喻本项目选择碳作为钥匙旨在开启全球变化、海洋酸化真相之门。
l        LOGO整体又似蜂巢,意喻项目研究团队似蜜蜂般广为采撷、乐于传播、甘于奉献自然科学领域的基础性研究,勤奋,务实,协作,共筑辉煌。
l        LOGO以蓝色为主调,由蓝色渐变至浅灰色,蓝色代表海洋,灰色代表陆地,表现了项目聚焦海洋碳循环,又突出了受陆地影响的近海特点。
l        CHOICE-C referring to Carbon Cycling in China Seas- budget, controls and ocean acidification, is funded through China National basic research program, or “973” by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
l        The LOGO is designed based primarily on the key element: carbon. It is featured by a group of hexagonal—the chemical structure of carbon which is combined into a big “C”, clearly reflective of the main research theme. Also implied is the rigorous spirit of teaming up.
l        The LOGO is shaping like a key, implying that carbon may be holding a key to resolve environmental issues related to global changes and ocean acidification.
l        The LOGO also looks like a hive, suggesting that the entire CHOICE-C team works together like honeybees – we communicate, collaborate and collect “honey” from all over the places in the field of very basic and fundamental researches.
l        Blue is a basic color of the LOGO, and it gradually changes into light gray. Here blue means the Ocean and gray is the Land, highlighting the main project’s theme as of ocean carbon featured by coastal ocean impacted by the Land input.
此信息发布于:2021-11-09      浏览次数:
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