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此信息发布于:2010-05-06      浏览次数:

发生200911月的气候门(climate gate事件对气候变化学术研究造成了一定的影响,IPCC的气候变化报告中其他数据的可信度也因此开始遭到怀疑,同时一些气候怀疑论者利用此事件进行夸大和渲染,进一步误导了公众。事件发生后,联合国、各国政府、相关研究机构及科学家出面澄清气候变暖是毋庸置疑的事实,同时呼吁气候变化的研究需要更加透明和严谨。IPCC主席拉津德帕乔里已表示将会对这一事件展开调查。


IGBP statement of support for IPCC 

3 May 2010

Set up in 1987, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) is an international research programme sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU). IGBP coordinates research and sets research agendas that aim to describe and understand planetary-scale physical, chemical and biological processes. Much of this research relates to climate.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) assessments cover the physical basis of climate change; the sensitivity, vulnerability and adaptive capacity of natural and human systems to climate change; potential consequences of climate change; and potential mitigation strategies. Research conducted by IGBP's network of scientists in 74 countries has been assessed by all four IPCC reports.

IGBP accepts the overall conclusion of the Working Group I contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment: "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal", and "Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations".

Additionally, the Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Fourth Assessment concluded that changes in many physical and biological systems are likely linked to anthropogenic warming. More than 29,000 observational data series show significant change in many physical and biological systems and more than 89% of these data series are consistent with the direction of change expected as a response to warming.  IGBP accepts this conclusion unreservedly.

IGBP can state that the IPCC process for assessing climate change, its causes, its impacts and responses, is reliable and unbiased. Since the 2007 publication of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, new evidence has emerged that further supports all overarching conclusions of the Fourth Assessment Report.

Recently, a small number of errors have been reported in the contribution of Working Group II to the IPCC Fourth Assessment.  IGBP can state that these errors in no way detract from the substantive findings of the Working Group II contribution to the Fourth Assessment Report.

All processes, including those of the IPCC assessment, can be improved and benefit from regular re-evaluation. IGBP welcomes the recently-announced review of IPCC's processes by the InterAcademy Council. This will further strengthen an already robust process.

Finally, IGBP expresses unreserved support for the ICSU statement issued on 23 February 2010.

This statement is endorsed by IGBP's Scientific Committee

See: http://www.igbp.net/page.php?pid=533


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