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此信息发布于:2014-02-20      浏览次数:
1. Bai, Y., X. He, D. Pan, Q. Zhu, and F. Gong, 2009. The black water around the Yangtze River Estuary in spring of 2003. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 28(4): 23-31.
2. He, X., Y. Bai, Q. Zhu, and F. Gong, 2010. A vector radiative transfer model of coupled ocean-atmosphere system using matrix-operator method for rough sea-surface. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 111(10): 1426-1448.
3. He, X.Q., D.L. Pan, Y. Bai, Q.K. Zhu, and F. Gong, 2011. Evaluation of the aerosol models for SeaWiFS and MODIS by AERONET data over open oceans. Applied Optics, 50(22): 4353-4364.
4. Chen, X.Y., D.L. Pan, X.Q. He, Y. Bai, and D.F. Wang, 2012. Upper ocean responses to category 5 typhoon Megi in the western north Pacific. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31(1): 51-58.
5. He, X., Y. Bai, D. Pan, J. Tang, and D. Wang, 2012. Atmospheric correction of satellite ocean color imagery using the ultraviolet wavelength for highly turbid waters. Optics Express, 20(18): 20754-20770.
6. Lei, H., D.L. Pan, Y. Bai, et al, 2012. The proportions and variations of the light absorption coefficients of major ocean color components in the East China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31(2): 45-61.
7. Rajkumar, M., K. Thillai Rajasekar, J. Sun, I.R. Jenkinson, V. Ashok Prabu, and P. Perumal, 2012. Water quality and phytoplankton diversity in the Parangipettai coastal waters, South east coast of India, Journal of Environmental Biology, 33: 1115-1125.
8. Bai, Y., D. Pan, W.J. Cai, X. He, D. Wang, B. Tao, and Q. Zhu, 2013. Remote sensing of salinity from satellite‐derived CDOM in the Changjiang River dominated East China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, 227–243, doi:10.1029/2012JC008467.
9. Chen, X., D. Pan, Y. Bai, X. He, C.-T.A. Chen, and Z. Hao, 2013. Episodic phytoplankton bloom events in the Bay of Bengal triggered by multiple forcings, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 73: 17-30.
10. Kang, Y., D. Pan, Y. Bai, X. He, X. Chen, C.-T.A. Chen, and D. Wang, 2013. Areas of the global major river plumes, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32 (1): 1-10.
11. Liu, Q., D. Pan, Y. Bai, K. Wu, C.-T.A. Chen, J. Sun, and L. Zhang, 2013. The satellite reversion of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) based on the analysis of the mixing behavior of DOC and colored dissolved organic matter: the East China Sea as an example, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32 (2): 1-11.
12. He, X., Y. Bai, D. Pan, N. Huang, X. Dong, J. Chen, C.-T.A. Chen, and Q. Cui, 2013. Using geostationary satellite ocean color data to map the diurnal dynamics of suspended particulate matter in coastal waters, Remote Sensing of Environment, 133: 225-239.
13. He, X., Y. Bai, D. Pan, C.-T. Chen, Q. Chen, D. Wang, and F. Gong, 2013. Satellite views of seasonal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton blooms in the eastern China seas over the past 14 yr (1998-2011), Biogeosciences, 10: 4721-4739.
14. Gu, X.Y., Y.Y. Feng, S.F. Jin, W.S. Jiang, H.Y. Jin, J.F. Chen, and J. Sun, Summer and winter living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, Biogeosciences Discuss, 10 (2013), 7677-7726.
15. Tao, B.Y., Z.H. Mao, D.L. Pan, Y.Z. Shen, Q.K. Zhu, and J.Y. Chen, Influence of bio-optical parameter variability on the reflectance peak position in the red band of algal bloom waters, Ecological Informatics, 16 (2013), 17-24.
16. Tao, B., Mao, Z., Pan, D., Shen, Y., Zhu, Q., and Chen, J. 2013. Optical Detection of Prorocentrum donghaiense blooms based on multispectral reflectance. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 32(10): 48-56.
17. Sun, J., Gu, X., Feng, Y., Jin, S., Jiang, W., Jin, H., and Chen, J. 2014. Summer and winter living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Biogeosciences, 11: 779-806.
18. Bai J, Gu X Y, Feng Y Y, Jiang W S, Jin H Y, Sun J. Autumn living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, in press.
19. He, X., Y. Bai, D. Pan, Q. Zhu, and F. Gong, 2009. Cloud Top Height Retrieval Using Polarizing Remote Sensing Data of POLDER. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2(2): 73-78.
20. Qiao, S.N., D.L. Pan, X.Q. He, and Q.F. Cui, 2011. Numerical Study of the Influence of Donghai Bridge on Sediment Transport in the Mouth of Hangzhou Bay. Procedia envionmental sciences, 10: 408-413.
21. 何贤强,潘德炉,白雁,朱乾坤,龚芳,毛志华, 2010. 海洋-大气耦合矢量辐射传输粗糙海面模型. 光学学报, 30(3): 618-624.
22. 孙军, 2011. 海洋浮游植物与生物碳汇. 生态学报, 31(18): 5372-5378
23. 马威, 孙军, 田伟, 2011. 2009年冬季南海北部网采浮游植物群落结构. 海洋科学, 35(9): 8-13.
24. 郭术津, 田伟, 戴民汉, 刘志亮, 孙军, 2011. 2009年夏季东海浮游植物群集. 海洋科学进展, 29(4): 474-486.
25. 郭术津, 孙军, 汪岷, 2011. 夏季东海PN断面浮游植物群集. 海洋科学, 35(11): 101-107.
26. 宫相忠, 马威, 田伟, 孙军, 2012. 2009年夏季南海北部的网采浮游植物群落.中国海洋大学学报, 42(4): 048-054.
27. 郭术津, 孙军, 戴民汉, 刘志亮, 2012. 2009年冬季东海浮游植物群集. 生态学报, 32(10): 3266-3278.
28. 李欣,孙军, 田伟, 汪岷. 2012. 2009年夏季南海北部的浮游植物群落. 海洋科学, 36(10):33-39.
29. 靳少非, 孙军, 刘志亮. 2013. 2010秋季东海今生颗石藻的空间分布. 生态学报, 33(01):120-131.
30. 胡佳臣,潘德炉,王迪峰,何贤强,郝增周. 2013. 走航水体高光谱观测系统SAS的数据处理方法开发与检验. 红外与毫米波学报(in press).
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