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课题三 发表论文
此信息发布于:2014-01-10      浏览次数:
1. Cai, P.H., M.R. van der Loeff, I. Stimac, E.M. Nothig, K. Lepore, and S.B. Moran, 2010. Low export flux of particulate organic carbon in the central Arctic Ocean as revealed by 234Th:238U disequilibrium. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 115: C10037, doi:10.1029/2009jc005595.
2. Chen, B.Z. and H.B. Liu, 2010. Relationships between phytoplankton growth and size in surface oceans: interactive effects of temperature, nutrients, and grazing. Limnology and Oceanography, 55(3): 965-972.
3. Dong, H.P., D.Z. Wang, M. Dai, and H.S. Hong, 2010. Characterization of particulate organic matters in the water column of the South China Sea using a shotgun proteomic approach. Limnology and Oceanography, 55(4): 1565-1578.
4. Chen, B.Z. and H.B. Liu, 2011. Comment: Unimodal relationship between phytoplankton-mass-specific growth rate and size: A reply to the comment by Sal and Lopez-Urrutia (2011). Limnology and Oceanography, 56(5): 1956-1958.
5. Chen, B.Z., L. Wang, S.Q. Song, B.Q. Huang, J. Sun, and H.B. Liu, 2011. Comparisons of picophytoplankton abundance, size, and fluorescence between summer and winter in northern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 31(14): 1527-1540.
6. Kong, L.L., H.M. Jing, T. Kataoka, J. Sun, and H.B. Liu, 2011. Phylogenetic diversity and spatio-temporal distribution of nitrogenase genes (nifH) in the northern South China Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 66: 15-27.
7. Wang, D.Z., H.P. Dong, Z.X. Xie, M.H. Dai, and H.S. Hong, 2011. Metaproteomic characterization of dissolved organic matter in the water column of the South China Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, 56(5): 1641-1652.
8. Guo, C., J. Yu, T.-Y. Ho, L. Wang, S.Q. Song, L. Kong, and H.B. Liu, 2012. Dynamics of phytoplankton community structure in the South China Sea in response to the East Asian aerosol input. Biogeosciences, 9: 1519-1536.
9. Chen, B.Z., H.B. Liu, and B.Q. Huang, 2012. Environmental controlling mechanisms on bacterial abundance in the South China Sea inferred from generalized additive models (GAMs). Journal of Sea Research, 72: 69-76.
10. Cai, P.H., X.M. Shi, W.S. Moore, and M.H. Dai, 2012. Measurement of 224Ra:228Th disequilibrium in coastal sediments using a delayed coincidence counter. Marine Chemistry, 138-139: 1-6.
11. Dong, H.-P., D.-Z. Wang, Z.-X. Xie, M.H. Dai, and H.-S. Hong, 2013. Metaproteomic characterization of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter in surface seawaters in the South China Sea, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 109: 51-61.
12. Chen, B., L. Zheng, B. Huang, S. Song, and H. Liu, 2013. Seasonal and spatial comparisons of phytoplankton growth and mortality rates due to microzooplankton grazing in the northern South China Sea, Biogeosciences, 10 (4):2775-2785.
13. Guo, C., H. Liu, L. Zheng, S. Song, B. Chen and B. Huang, 2013. Bottom-up and top-down controls on picoplankton in the East China Sea, Biogeosciences Discuss, 10(5): 8203-8245.
14. Chen, B., Huang, B., Xie, Y., Guo, C., Song, S., Li, H., Liu, H, In Press. Bacterial abundance and production in the East China Sea: Seasonal variations and relationships with phytoplankton biomass and production, Acta Oceanologica Sinica.
15. Guo, C., H. Jing, L. Kong and H. Liu, 2013. Effect of East Asian aerosol enrichment on microbial community composition in the South China Sea, Journal of Plankton Research, 35(3): 485-503.
16. Zhou, K. B., M. H. Dai, S.-J. Kao, L. Wang, P. Xiu, F. Chai, J. W. Tian and Y. Liu, 2013. Apparent enhancement of 234Th-based particle export associated with anticyclonic eddies, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 381: 198-209.
17. Cai, P. H., S. Y. Peng, W. S. Moore, X. Shi, M., G. Z. Wang and M. H. Dai, 2014. 224Ra:228Th disequilibrium in coastal sediments: Implications for solute transfer across the sediment-water interface, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 97: 88-104.
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