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此信息发布于:2013-12-16      浏览次数:
1. Qiu, Y., L. Li, and W. Yu, 2009. Behavior of the Wyrtki Jet observed with surface drifting buoys and satellite altimeter, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L18607, doi:10.1029/2009GL039120.
2. Qiu, Y., L. Li, C.-T.A. Chen, X.G. Guo, and C.S. Jing, 2011. Currents in the Taiwan Strait as observed by surface drifters. Journal of Oceanography, 67(4): 395-404.
3.Yang, D.Z., B.S. Yin, Z.L. Liu, and X.R. Feng, 2011. Numerical study of the ocean circulation on the East China Sea shelf and a Kuroshio bottom branch northeast of Taiwan in summer. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 116, C05015, doi: 10.1029/2010jc006777.
4.Yang, D.Z., B.S. Yin, Z.L. Liu, T. Bai, J.F. Qi, and H.Y. Chen, 2012. Numerical study on the pattern and origins of Kuroshio branches in the bottom water of southern East China Sea in summer. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C02014, doi:10.1029/2011JC007528.
5. Zhu, D., L. Li and X. Guo, 2013. Seasonal and interannual variations of surface current in the southern Taiwan Strait to the west of Taiwan Shoals, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(33), 4171-4178.
6.刘志亮 胡敦欣, 2009. 黄海夏季近岸海区环流的初步分析及其与风速的关系. 海洋学报, 31(2): 1-7.
7.邱云, 李燕初, 李立, 许德伟, 2010. 印度洋-太平洋暖池海域表层海温分析. 台湾海峡, 29(4): 547-554.
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