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此信息发布于:2013-12-13      浏览次数:
1.Gan, J.P., A. Cheung, X. Guo, and L. Li, 2009. Intensified upwelling over a widened shelf in the northeastern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 114, DOI: 10.1029/2007JC004660.
2.Swapna, P., J. Gan, A. Lau, and J. Fung, 2009. On the warm/cold regime shift in the South China Sea: Observation and modeling study. Deep Sea Research I, 56(7): 1039-1056.
3.Gan, J.P., Z.M. Lu, M.H. Dai, A.Y.Y. Cheung, H. Liu, and P. Harrison,2010. Biological response to intensified upwelling and to a river plume in the northeastern South China Sea: A modeling study. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, C09001 DOI: 10.1029/2009JC005569.
4.Hu, J.Y., H. Kawamura, C.Y. Li, H.S. Hong, and Y.W. Jiang, 2010. Review on current and seawater volume transport through the Taiwan Strait. Journal of Oceanography, 66(5): 591-610.
5.Lu, Z.M., J.P. Gan, M.H. Dai, and A.Y.Y. Cheung, 2010. The influence of coastal upwelling and a river plume on the subsurface chlorophyll maximum over the shelf of the northeastern South China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 82, 35-46.
6.Pi, Q.L. and J.Y. Hu, 2010. Analysis of sea surface temperature fronts in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent area using an advanced edge detection method. Science China (Earth Sciences), 53(7): 1008-1016.
7.Hu, J.Y., J.P. Gan, Z.Y. Sun, J. Zhu, and M.H. Dai, 2011. Observed three- dimensional structure of a cold eddy in the southwestern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 116, C05016, doi:10.1029/2010JC006810.
8.Sun, Z.Y., J.Y. Hu, Q.A. Zheng, and C.Y. Li, 2011. Strong near-inertial oscillations in geostrophic shear in the northern South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 67(4): 377-384.
9.Liu, Z. and J. Gan, 2012. Variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea derived from satellite altimetry data. Deep Sea Research Part I, 59(0): 25-36.
10.Lu, Z. M., J. P. Gan and M. H. Dai, 2012. Modelling seasonal and diurnal pCO2 variations in the northern South China Sea, Journal of Marine Systems, 92(1): 30-41.
11.Hu, J., Q. Zheng, Z. Sun, and C.K. Tai, 2012. Penetration of nonlinear Rossby eddies into South China Sea evidenced by cruise data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C03010, doi:10.1029/2011JC007525.
12. Gan, J.P., H. Ho, and L.L. Liang, 2013. Dynamics of intensified downwelling circulation over a widened shelf in the northeastern South China Sea. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43 (1), 80-94, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-12-02.1.
13. Bai, X., Z. Liu, X. Li, Z. Chen, J. Hu, Z. Sun, and J. Zhu, 2013. Observations of high-frequency internal waves in the southern Taiwan Strait, Journal of Coastal Research, DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-12-00141.1.
14. Zhu, J., J. Hu and Z. Liu, 2013. On summer stratification and tidal mixing in the Taiwan Strait, Frontiers of Earth Science, 7(2): 141-150.
15. Wang, D., Q. Zheng and J. Hu, 2013. Jet-like features of Jiulongjiang River plume discharging into the west Taiwan Strait, Frontiers of Earth Science, 7(3): 282-294.
16. Liu, Z.Y. and I. Lozovatsky, 2012. Upper pycnocline turbulence in the northern South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(18): 2302-2306.
17. Chen, Z., X.-H. Yan, Y. Jiang and L. Jiang, 2013. Roles of shelf slope and wind on upwelling: A case study off east and west coasts of the US, Ocean Modelling, 69: 136-145.
18. Wang, J., H. Hong, Y. Jiang, F. Chai and X. H. Yan, 2013. Summer nitrogenous nutrient transport and its fate in the Taiwan Strait: A coupled physical‐biological modeling approach, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, 4184-4200, doi:4110.1002/jgrc.20300.
19.黄志达 胡建宇, 2010. 利用Argo浮标资料分析横跨吕宋海峡20.5°N断面的水文特征. 台湾海峡, 29(4): 539-546.
20.姜良红 胡建宇, 2010. 吕宋冷涡的季节变化特征及其风应力的关系. 台湾海峡, 29(1): 114-121.
21.苗馨 胡建宇, 2011. 用沿岸上升流指数分析中国东南沿岸风生上升流的特征. 海洋通报, 321-28.
22. 林培根,陈照章,胡建宇,朱佳,孙振宇, 2012. 2011 年夏季台湾海峡上升流的变化特征及其与风场的关系. 台湾海峡, 31(3): 307-316.
23. 林宏阳,胡建宇,郑全安,2012. 吕宋海峡附近中尺度涡特征的统计分析。海洋学报,34(1):1-7.
24. 王代锋,胡建宇, 2012. 吕宋海峡及其周边海域海表温度的季节变化特征. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版), 51(1): 84-90.
25. 林宏阳,胡建宇,郑全安,2012. 南海及西北太平洋卫星高度计资料分析:海洋中尺度涡统计特征。台湾海峡,31(1):105-113 .
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