课题七 发表论文
1. Gao, K.S., Z. Ruan, V.E. Villafane, J.P. Gattuso, and E.W. Helbling, 2009. Ocean acidification exacerbates the effect of UV radiation on the calcifying phytoplankter Emiliania huxleyi. Limnology and Oceanography, 54(6): 1855-1862.
2. Li, G., Y.P. Wu, and K.S. Gao, 2009. Effects of Typhoon Kaemi on coastal phytoplankton assemblages in the South China Sea, with special reference to the effects of solar UV radiation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114,G04029, doi:10.1029/2008JG000896.
3. Xu, Z. and K. Gao, 2009. Impacts of UV radiation on growth and photosynthetic carbon acquisition in Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta) under phosphorus-limited and replete conditions. Functional Plant Biology, 36(12): 1057-1064.
4. Gao, K.S. and Y.Q. Zheng, 2010. Combined effects of ocean acidification and solar UV radiation on photosynthesis, growth, pigmentation and calcification of the coralline alga Corallina sessilis (Rhodophyta). Global Change Biology, 16(8): 2388-2398.
5. Guan, W. and K. Gao, 2010. Impacts of UV radiation on photosynthesis and growth of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyceae). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 67(3): 502-508.
6. Guan, W.C. and K.S. Gao, 2010. Enhanced calcification ameliorates the negative effects of UV radiation on photosynthesis in the calcifying phytoplankter Emiliania huxleyi. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(7): 588-593.
7. Ma, Z., W. Li, and K. Gao, 2010. Horizontal migration of Acartia pacifica Steuer (copepoda) in response to UV-radiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 101233-237.
8. Wu, Y., K.S. Gao, and U. Riebesell, 2010. CO2-induced seawater acidification affects physiological performance of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Biogeosciences, 7(9): 2915-2923.
9. Wu, Y.P. and K.S. Gao, 2010. Combined effects of solar UV radiation and CO2-induced seawater acidification on photosynthetic carbon fixation of phytoplankton assemblages in the South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(32): 3680-3686.
10. Xu, J. and K. Gao, 2010. Use of UV‐A Energy for Photosynthesis in the Red Macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis. Photochemistry and photobiology, 86(3): 580-585.
11. Xu, J. and K. Gao, 2010. UV-A enhanced growth and UV-B induced positive effects in the recovery of photochemical yield in Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 100117-122.
12. Xu, Z.G., D.H. Zou, and K.S. Gao, 2010. Effects of elevated CO2 and phosphorous supply on growth, phytosynthesis and nutrient uptake in the marine macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis(Rhodophyta). Botanica Marina, 53123-129.
13. Zou, D. and K. Gao, 2010. Acquisition of inorganic carbon by Endarachne binghamiae (Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyceae). European Journal of Phycology, 45(1): 117-126.
14. Zou, D.H. and K.S. Gao, 2010. Photosynthetic acclimation to different light levels in the brown marine macroalga, Hizikia fusiformis (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology, 22(4): 395-404.
15. Chen, S.W. and K.S. Gao, 2011. Solar ultraviolet radiation and CO2 induced ocean acidification interacts to influence the photosynthetic performance of the red tide alga Phaeocystis globosa (Prymnesiophyceae). Hydrobiologia, 675(1): 105-117.
16. Li, G., K.S. Gao, and G. Gao, 2011. Differential impacts of solar UV radiation on photosynthetic carbon fixation from the coastal to offshore surface waters in the South China Sea. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 87(2): 329-334.
17. Xu, K., K. Gao, V.E. Villafane, and E.W. Helbling, 2011. Photosynthetic responses of Emiliania huxleyi to UV radiation and elevated temperature: roles of calcified coccoliths. Biogeosciences, 8(6): 1441-1452.
18. Zou, D.H., K.S. Gao, and W.Z. Chen, 2011. Photosynthetic carbon acquisition in Sargassum henslowianum (Fucales, Phaeophyta), with special reference to the comparison between the vegetative and reproductive tissues. Photosynthesis Research, 107(2): 159-168.
19. Zou, D.H., K.S. Gao, and H.J. Luo, 2011. Short- and long-term effects of elevated CO2 on photosynthesis and respiration in the marine macroalga Hizikia fusiformis (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) grown at low and high N supplies. Journal of Phycology, 47(1): 87-97.
20. Zou, D.H., K.S. Gao, and J.R. Xia, 2011. Dark respiration in the light and in darkness of three marine macroalgal species grown under ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 30(1): 106-112.
21. Gao, K.S., J.T. Xu, G. Gao, Y.H. Li, D.A. Hutchins, B.Q. Huang, L. Wang, Y. Zheng, P. Jin, X.N. Cai, D.-P. Hader, W. Li, K. Xu, N.N. Liu, and U. Riebesell, 2012. Rising CO2 and increased light exposure synergistically reduce marine primary productivity. Nature Climate Change, 2: 519-523.
22. Gao, K.S., J.T. Xu, Y.Q. Zheng, and C.H. Ke, 2012. Measurement of benthic photoynthesis and calcification in flowing-through seawater with stable carbonate chemistry. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 10: 555-559.
23. Li, G. and K.S. Gao, 2012. Variation in UV irradiance related to stratospheric ozone levels affects photosynthetic carbon fixation of winter phytoplankton assemblages from surface coastal water of the South China Sea. Marine Biology Research, 8: 670-676.
24. Li, W. and K.S. Gao, 2012. A marine secondary producer respires and feeds more in a high CO2 ocean. Marine pollution bulletin, 64(4): 699-703.
25. Liu, Y.T., J.T. Xu, and K.S. Gao, 2012. CO2-driven seawater acidification increases photochemical stress in a green alga. Phycologia, 51: 562-566.
26. Wu, X.J., G. Gao, M. Giordano, and K.S. Gao, 2012. Growth and photosynthesis of a diatom grown underelevated CO2 in the presence of solar UV radiation. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 18(4): 279-290.
27. Xu, K. and K.S. Gao, 2012. Reduced Calcification Decreases Photoprotective Capability in the Coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi. Plant Cell Physiology, 53:1267-1274.
28. Xu, Z.G. and K.S. Gao, 2012. NH4+ enrichment and UV radiation interact to affect the photosynthesis and nitrogen uptake of Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). Marine pollution bulletin, 64(1): 99-105.
29. Yang, G.Y. and K.S. Gao, 2012. Physiological responses of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana to increased pCO2 and seawater acidity. Marine Environmental Research, 79: 142-151.
30. Gao, K.S., E.W. Helbling, D.P. Häder, and D.A. Hutchins, 2012. Responses of marine primary producers to interactions between ocean acidification, solar radiation, and warming. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 470: 167-189.
31. Li, Y.H., K.S. Gao, V.E. Villafa˜ne, and E.W. Helbling, 2012. Ocean acidification mediates photosynthetic response to UV radiationand temperature increase in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Biogeosciences, 9: 3931-3942.
32. Xu, J.T. and K.S. Gao, 2012. Future CO2-induced ocean acidification mediates physiological performance of a green tide alga. Plant Physiology, 160: 1762-1769.
33. Li, W., K. Gao, and J. Beardall, 2012. Interactive Effects of Ocean Acidification and Nitrogen-Limitation on the Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, PloS One, 7 (12), e51590, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051590.
34. Zou D.H. and K.S. Gao, 2013. Thermal acclimation of respiration and photosynthesis in the marine macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformia (gracilariales,rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology, 49: 61-68.
35. Jin P., Gao K.S. and Beardall J., 2013. Evolutionary responses of a coccolithophorid Gephyrocapsa oceanica to ocean acidification. Evolution, 67(7): 1869-1878.
36. Jin, P., K. Gao, V. E. Villafañe, D. A. Campbell and W. Helbling, 2013. Ocean acidification alters the photosynthetic responses of a coccolithophorid to fluctuating UV and visible radiation, Plant physiology, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1104/pp.113.219543.
37. 高坤山, 2011. 海洋酸化正负效应: 藻类的生理学响应. 厦门大学学报, 50(2): 411-417.
38. 陈善文,高坤山, 2011. 二氧化碳加富与阳光紫外辐射对球形棕囊藻的耦合效应. 海洋学报, 33 (4):1-8.
39. 吴亚平,高坤山, 2011. 夏季南海浮游植物光合固碳对不同波长阳光紫外辐射的响应.海洋学报, 33(5):146-151.
40. 徐军田, 高坤山, 2013. CO2升高和阳光紫外辐射对坛紫菜生长和光合特性的耦合效应.海洋学报(accepted) .
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